Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I go if I have questions about my product?

Find the listing for the Product you need support with and click into Policies & Support. Here you’ll find the contact details for the Developer of the Product.

I’d like help selecting the right product.

If you work with a Sage Business Partner, please contact them. If you are an existing Sage customer, contact us at: 1-800-626-8634

I tried to order a product and received a message that my order could not be completed, who do I contact?

If you work with a Sage Business Partner, please contact them. If you are an existing Sage customer, contact us at: 1-800-626-8634

I’ve been notified that my subscription was suspended, how do I make payment?

If you work with a Sage Business Partner, please contact them. If you are an existing Sage customer, contact us at: 1-800-626-8634

My questions are not answered by these FAQs, what can I do?

Chat with us. Click here to start chatting with a Sage representative from 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. EST: