DSD Multi-Currency for Sage 100
- APMC - APMC A/P Multi-Currency
- ARMC - ARMC A/R Multi-Currency
- BRMC - BRMC Multi-Currency Bank Reconciliation
- CUMC - Multi-Currency Base Module
- FXMC - FXMC Auto Daily Exchange Rate Download
- GLMC - GLMC Multi-Currency General Ledger
- IMMC - IMMC Inventory Management Multi-Currency
- POMC - POMC Purchase Order Multi-Currency
- RAMC - RAMC RMA Multi-Currency
- SOMC - SOMC Sales Order Multi-Currency
- MXMC - MXMC Banco de Mexico Connector for Multi-Currency
APMC - APMC A/P Multi-Currency
APMC Multi-Currency Accounts Payable is essential for any company making purchases from vendors in more than one country, since payment of that invoice is usually required in the vendor's currency. A Default Entry Currency and Activity Currency can be established for each Vendor. APMC gives the Sage 100 user the ability to enter invoices, create checks, and print reports in any currency, using any exchange rate. Differences in payment amounts, caused by exchange rate fluctuations between the time that the Invoice is posted and when it is paid, are posted to a user-defined (by division) Gain/Loss account.
ARMC - ARMC A/R Multi-Currency
ARMC Multi-Currency Accounts Receivable is for companies that sell to customers in different currencies. A Default Entry Currency and Activity Currency can be established for each Customer. ARMC gives Sage 100 users the ability to enter invoices, cash receipts, and print reports in any currency using any exchange rate. Differences in payment amounts, caused by exchange rate fluctuations between the time that the Invoice is posted and when it is paid, are posted to a user-defined (by division) Gain/Loss account.
BRMC - BRMC Multi-Currency Bank Reconciliation
BRMC Multi-Currency Bank Reconciliation is invaluable to any company that must maintain Bank Account Balances in foreign currencies. Checks, Deposits and Adjustments from Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and General Ledger are posted in the Bank's Currency. The Bank Reconciliation Register, Recap Report, and the Estimate Cash Flow Analysis Report are printed in each Bank's Currency.
CUMC - Multi-Currency Base Module
The CUMC Multi-Currency Module for Sage 100 is perfect for any international or multinational company. A Base (functional) Currency can be set up for each Company Code. Unlimited currencies can then be set up, along with daily Exchange Rates that are used in data entries and reporting. This module integrates with all other DSD Multi-Currency modules, including Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Inventory Management, Sales Order, Purchase Order, and RMA.
FXMC - FXMC Auto Daily Exchange Rate Download
FXMC Multi-Currency Auto Download of Exhange Rates allows for a Multi-Currency program to be configured in Windows Scheduler, which will execute a daily download of Exchange Rate tables from XE.COM, and will install them into the Currency Rate Tables for all Companies.
GLMC - GLMC Multi-Currency General Ledger
GLMC Multi-Currency General Ledger for Sage 100 allows for General Journal, Transaction Journal, and Recurring Journal entries to be created in different currencies. For U.S. Corporations with foreign subsidiaries, the GLMC allows for FASB 52 Reporting so that foreign subsidiaries can track all General Ledger data in BOTH local currency and US Dollars for reporting purposes. General Ledger accounts can be assigned either Historical or Current valuation, and Equity Adjustment on Foreign Exchange can be calculated when running financials in FASB 52 Currency. A Multi-Company Consolidation can also be used to combine US Parent and Foreign Subsidiary companies into one set of financials in US Dollars.
IMMC - IMMC Inventory Management Multi-Currency
IMMC Multi-Currency Inventory Management provides users with the ability to set up a different price and cost for each item per Currency. You may also set up price levels in different currencies, by item or customer, and print price level reports by Currency. This enhancement is essential for any company quoting and making sales in more than one currency.
POMC - POMC Purchase Order Multi-Currency
POMC Multi-Currency Purchase Order is invaluable for companies that perform Purchase Order Processing involving international Vendors. Purchase Orders and Receipt of Goods/Invoices can be created in the the vendor’s currency, and Inquiries and Reporting can be printed/displayed in any currency.
RAMC - RAMC RMA Multi-Currency
RAMC Multi-Currency Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) provides the Sage 100 user with the ability to generate RMAs and Receipts in different currencies. The Generate Transactions feature allows creation of Sales Orders and Credit Memos in the RMA Currency, and Purchase Orders and PO Returns in the Vendor Currency. Foreign Prices and Levels setup in the Inventory Management module may be used. Reports may be printed in Entry or Base Currency.
SOMC - SOMC Sales Order Multi-Currency
SOMC Multi-Currency Sales Order is invaluable for any company that performs Order or Invoice Entry involving international or foreign Customers. Sales Order Processing has been enhanced to allow Order Entry, Invoice Entry, and Shipping Data Entry to be created in the customer currency. Inquiries and Reporting can be printed/displayed in any currency.
MXMC - MXMC Banco de Mexico Connector for Multi-Currency
The MXMC Multi-Currency Module allows for automatic Exchange Rate Downloads to be configured in the Windows Task Scheduler, which will access the Exchange Rates from Banco de Mexico and install them into the Currency Rate Tables for all Companies.