Receive existing Sage 50 Purchase Orders
Search on open purchase orders, specify the quantity received per item, or receive all line items and update the received quantities into Sage 50 Quantum with a status of "waiting on a bill".

Receive existing Sage 50Cloud Purchase Ordersstic Title
- Once the Sage 50 purchase order has been entered it will become available in the EzScanIt application. There you can search on open purchase orders, specify the quantity received per item, or receive all line items and update the received quantities into Sage 50 Quantum with a status of "waiting on a bill".
Ship Existing Sage 50 Sales Orders
Search on open sales orders, specify the quantity shipped per item, or ship all line items and record the quantity shipped into Sage 50 Quantum as unprinted sales invoices.

Ship Feature for existing Sage 50 Sales Orders
- Once the Sage 50 sales order has been entered it will become available in the EzScanIt application. There you can search open sales orders, specify the quantity shipped per item, or ship all line items and record the quantity shipped into Sage 50 Quantum as unprinted sales invoices.
Streamline Sage 50 Physical Inventory Counts
With EZ Scan-It you can perform a physical inventory count on all your Sage 50 inventory items. Compare counted items to the quantity on hand balances in Sage 50 and automatically create adjustments to record corrections.

Perform Sage 50 Physical Inventory Counts
- With Ez ScanIt you can select a range of items, all items or a single inventory item. The selected list will then be available in the Ez ScanIt application where a user can complete a count of quantity on hand, print a variance report and have the count adjustments recorded into Sage 50 as inventory adjustments with a comment of the date of the physical inventory count.
Sage 50 Inventory Item Barcode Labels
Print barcode labels for any or all of your existing Sage 50 Quantum inventory items by range, single or all items. 1 customized Sage 50 barcode label size included with purchase.

Sage 50 Barcode Labels
- Print barcode labels for your existing Sage 50 Quantum inventory items by range, single or all items. 1 customized Sage 50 barcode label size included with purchase.