Zynk Workflow
Ecommerce Integration
Integrate with leading ecommerce platforms such as Magento, Shopify, Amazon, Ebay, PayPal, WooCommerce, EKM, Visualsoft, import Customers, Orders, Payments to your Accounting system or warehouse management platform and syncrhonise inventory and product information between systems and sales channels to prevent overselling.
Integrate Sage with over 70 Different Systems
There are over 70 connectors for Accounting, CRM, Ecommerce, Web Servers, Databases, File Servers and more as well as transformation technology for processing most file formats such as XML, CSV, JSON, Excel, EDI, HTML, Text files and more.
Accounting Integration
Zynk Workflow has Connectors for Sage accounting systems allow you to automate the import and export of Customers, Orders, Invoices, Products, Inventory. Automatically send out Statements and Invoices via Email to customers and create Digital Dashboards to display Key performance indicators on your business.
CRM & PSA Integration
Integrate Salesforce, SugarCRM, Act!, WebCRM and more and synchronise data from your CRM with your Sage Accounting system including Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Orders, Products and Inventory information all in near real time so as soon as an Opportunity is marked as won, it appears in Sage and your Warehouse Management System simultaneously.
3PL and Warehouse Management Integration
Zynk Workflow utilises advanced AI and machine learning algorithms to process data intelligently with features like Auto-resume of workflows, Intelligent data matching and Auto creation of associated records such as new Customer accounts as well as eliminating the usual data processing issues of as Duplicate or Missing records